EXes Are Meant To Be Expired…

I am back from my sentimental coma and heading towards enlightenment with a broken heart. No more sentimental thoughts but a smile glued to my face. Skip the breakfast everyday but don’t forget to smile. I may not be a doctor but I would definitely prescribe a smile to that face of yours. Hi there my beloved readers. It’s about time to post my imbecile thoughts again. Have you ever eaten an expired bread? If yes then you can probably imagine how your tummy starts to trouble you. Most of the expired goods are bad or putrid or poor or stick any bad words to it. But they are not meant for further use. Same is with your EXes. Many people would disagree with me now but hey, it’s a free world and just anyone has one or the other thing to say.

Before I write further, I would like to say that my writings will have exceptions. Don’t get harsh on your mind towards me. 🙂 How would you explain an ex of yours? “History? Mistake? Douche bag? Best time of your life? or WHATEVER?” Well depends on that person and differs too. For me EXes are expired goods. You can not go back to that same life you had. You broke up for a reason and just maybe that thing still exists. There was a past with him/her and at times you miss those moments, at times you cry and at times you get furious over the fact that he/she cheated on you (if that happened). But it’s a common human behavior to miss what you don’t have. To remember the good moments. To wish to go back how things were. You CAN go back and try and make how it was before and lets say you managed to have it back. What now? You are happy? For the love of GOD, don’t forget the fact that you guys broke up and it would never be the same like before. The reason will still persist. You guys broke up for a reason. Some break up on good terms and some may have heart thrashing break ups but there has to be a reason. Otherwise two people really in love would give anything to keep up with their relation. You just don’t give up on something so pure, so easily or else you never loved.

Having many EXes is not a thing to be proud of. It signifies how much you failed in love and nobody likes failure. Returning back to your EX is like eating an expired bread. It will take your hunger off but remember, troubles are to be faced.

The Only Heart I Lost…

It’s like being back from the dead to typing this blog. My fingers are pressing the keys very fast but my mouth is stuttering for the words I am about to write. Life has been miserable for the past few weeks. I am suffering from this deadly disease which has an impossible cure. Yes, a disease of broken heart. Maybe I take things too deeply or maybe people will say I am a bit over reacting but when true love is lost, for me, there is no meaning to life. Maybe there is a way to mend or replace this heart or just maybe someone will come to ease this pain but I don’t want that to happen. Life will not be the same without her or with others. If people ask me, “Why into her so much? There are lots of fishes in the ocean.” I wouldn’t know what to say. Clearly I don’t know much about love then. I don’t know why I love her so much.

But the thoughts of her that run across my mind restlessly is love then yes, I love her. She made me a better person, maybe that is why I love her. I feel alive when I am with her. She makes me feel I am living in a parallel world where love is the motto and happiness is the objective and we live there. She is the first person I think about when something nice happens to me. All these reasons with some unwritten feelings and just maybe my love is true. If I am not convinced of my love towards her then how can she be. So my love for her was never convincing. She never took me seriously. She had that turtle hard shell protecting her and would continuously say, “I can never fall for you.” It has been a month and 4 days that we haven’t talked. I know she misses me but she won’t say a word. She must be happy. But my state is wretched. This broken heart can not see my happiness. If I don’t stay strong, it will have me dead in seconds. The more I try not to think about her, she comes like an angel to my mind. I suppress those feelings with hatred but I can never hate her. I just miss her so much.

Now if not for her but for myself, I will prove that my love is true. Perhaps she will come back someday. I believe so. 🙂 “When true love is lost, life can bleed of all meaning. We are left blank. But the possibility of destiny remains. What we are meant for may yet be discovered. And once is a very long while, that journey to find our destiny may defeat even time itself.” I love this quote from the movie “Winter’s Tale”. The possibility still remains. 😀

Ask Me.. I Give Good Advice!!!

A warm welcome to all again from this monotonous writer in this shivering kind of weather we are having here in my country. Today I am writing about the advice people give one another. Every kind of people get into certain situations where they can’t think linearly. They scratch their head, lose their sleep, and finally give up and go to the best person they can think of, who is dear to them, and ask for good advice. Now the funny thing is, giving advice is too easy. Think about the situation of his/her, manipulate the situation in your head, your way and then speak up the words that come out of your mouth. Now why’d I say, “Easy”? Because it is not you who is into that situation now and saying things are always the easy part.

The thing that beats me is, do those good advice work or does the person even consider that advice? I find those persons who say, “Ask Me… I Give Good Advice” very hilarious because how can they know their advice are good. Maybe they’ve hit bull’s eye a couple of times, doesn’t mean they have solutions for every situations. Giving good advice are not that easy because the thing is, you haven’t been into that situation at that particular time. You are not stressed out like him/her and maybe those advice are not legit for them too. If you ask me for advice then I will definitely throw you one but I won’t say it will be “GOOD”. You can always consider applying it but I can never guarantee you that your problems will be solved by my advice. Maybe because that advice will be my perspective of doing things if I was in your position and you might not like it. Sometimes people might just want advice they want to hear and other than those will be neglected or said bad advice & won’t work.

So to be true, almost every person thinks that they give good advice but the fact is no advice is good until the person who is getting it, likes your advice and solves their problems. Sometimes a good advice might not be taken into consideration because he/she doesn’t want that to happen and for that I just have these words, “It’s a selfish world.” Those people who got confused in this post and are saying the writer has gone mad because sometimes he is saying giving advice is easy and again not easy, I would like to clear this for you. On first paragraph, I wrote “giving advice is too easy” and on the second paragraph, I wrote “giving GOOD advice are not that easy”. Now do you see the difference? 😉

Loneliness Conquers…

Hi there readers. Long time eh? But I am back to the blog with my frenetic style of writing. This post is about an incident which happened after my last blog which is like recently. I went to my maternal Uncle’s place for a short vacation but as of all those strikes and “bomb threats”, my short holiday became long and of course I was happy about that. My uncle lives in Pokhara, Nepal. One of the most beautiful place of Nepal where many tourists visit every year. But the main attraction of all is the Phewa Lake. A beautiful lake situated south of Pokhara Valley with pristine view and a temple in between the lake like a cherry on top.

I used to go to the lakeside with my cousin to his office. He owns a travel agency there. I would stay there making brochures and posters for his new office and he had his own works to do. So I was lonely. Few days it was fun to work but I realized that a monotonous life in an office is boring. Then one day I put on my earphone, took the mountain bike of office and went for cycling. Oh it was so much exciting. I was tired because I was riding for an hour now and had to sit down. I went down towards the lake. There is a walking path along the lake for a short distance. I sat down there and kept my bike aside. That day I had something in mind which I don’t want to share here. Lets name it “The Thought”. But that thing was bugging me if I should do it or not. I was listening to music and enjoying the beautiful scenery. I was alone there. My loneliness was my strength. Many conclusions were running through my mind about “The Thought”.

All of a sudden, I head a voice saying, “Isn’t it beautiful?” Even though my earphones were on and the beats were high, I heard that. I turned left and saw a girl sitting next to me. She said, “Hi! Why are you sitting here alone?” and I replied with a smile, “Because I like it.” She was a foreigner of about my age. We started to talk and I told her about “The Thought.” She started to help me think. A lot of suggestion were being fired towards me. Why it was right that I should do it and I kept thinking about it. Finally gazing towards the lake for a long time and after a pause I said, “I’ll do it” and turned left. She was gone. Maybe she said bye but I couldn’t hear her or maybe I stared for a long time and totally ignored her. I stayed two long hours there and my phone rang. It was my cousin and he wanted me in his office right away. Those couple of hours were very precious to me. The thing which was bugging me was fixed and I came to a conclusion that I will do it because I had nothing to lose. And I did that thing the day. The response were negative but I have no regrets. Things will change one day. 🙂


Been a long time since I last posted. But here I am with my imbecile thoughts again. “Love”, very complicated word it is. A word with just four letters but people would kill to have some of it. Parent’s love for their kids, siblings’ love, friends’ love, partners’ love. A dog’s love for his/her master. A kid’s love for his new tricycle he got on his birthday. Materialistic love, fake love. We’ve got every kind of love you can imagine of. I say that the whole world is bonded with this four letter word.

All these love and still the famous of ’em all. That precious love between a boy and a girl, a man and a woman. The feeling of being loved truly by someone special. Everyone yearns for that. But what I find these days is a fashion. “A boy without a girlfriend”, are you stupid or something? “A girl without a boyfriend”, she isn’t pretty I guess. So everyone at least make a partner so that your status remain and you flow with the fashion. 3 months of love and they break up. What kind of love is that? The reason for the break up – IT JUST DOESN’T SEEM RIGHT. And after a week, BAM.. News Flash.. I’m in a relationship again. Well that same thing was right 3 months ago, wasn’t it? Why fall in love if you can’t compromise and deal with the difficulties you’ll be having? Be open and please don’t lie about anything because that is the person you want to share everything about. He/She is the one you’ll be sharing your entire life and do you think they will let go of you for something stupid you did once.

When I love someone, I feel it in my stomach. That’s funny but yes I do. I feel it here, in my heart. That feeling of love just gives me chills and you’ll see me wearing a sweater on a 30 degree sunny day. I just can not explain what love means to me. When I love someone and they love me back, it’ll last an eternity. But seems like I’m worthy for no one. The right girl for me is no where on this realm.

Friendship Makes You Skip Grades!

Childhood! What an amazing time that was. That love and affection from each and every person in your life. That chubby cheeks you have and teenage girls just pinch them softly because you’re that cute. :) I had the same kind of childhood. After my father’s transfer to the capital city, I joined Class UKG in a school nearby where we lived. I barely remember my first day at school  but what I remember is, I was lost on my way home because my siblings were too busy to pick me up and totally forgot about me. :( Well, I’ll write what happened when I was lost some other time.

School was pretty much fun. I was always among the top three students of the class and that feeling was heavenly. Other than that, the most exciting feeling was to have 3 lovely friends. Abijit, Robin and Deepa. Robin and Deepa were cousins. Abijit lived 15 minutes away from my house. All four of us were too close. I understand Deepa was a girl and she sometimes didn’t have lunch or play with us but Abijit, Robin and I were like inseparable. Even on holidays I went to Abijit’s house and we played that marvelous Hot Wheels’ Cars. Boy, that moment was convivial. After class 1, Abijit skipped a grade and was in class 3. Me and Robin were still in class 2 and that fun was over. A senior would not walk with us for sure. I felt sad much more than Robin because Abijit was too close to me. Maybe that was a childish sadness but I felt what real friendship was that year. Missing the one you are so close to. His ignorance as he was a senior. After the results were out, I came 2nd as usual and returned home and told my father, “Daddy, I want to go to class 4 now.” He was amazed by what I told him. He had some talks with the HeadMistress and she approved for that. I was the happiest child on earth that day. I will be sitting next to Abijit in the same class again. I still don’t know why Robin never skipped a grade to be with us. He was also an ace of our class.

Nobody knows the actual meaning of real friendship. But that friendship made me skip a grade!

Life away from the Spotlight…..

Ever felt lonely, even if you’re surrounded by a big mass of so called “Friends”? That invisible feeling you get when you walk past by a person and he/she doesn’t even notice you. Or that ignorance you get from the people you think are dear to you. You must be thinking that your life is miserable, don’t you? But let me clear this out to you. It isn’t that way. You are leading a life away from the spotlight people seek now-a-days. A hanky-panky cool dude with a basketball on his hand and sweatband around his forehead might be attraction point of your whole college/university or a girl with oodles of makeup and short skirt with her flirty smile might be magnetic power for the boys and you will be the one sitting on a certain corner and thinking about how you failed in your life.

Now this is where you make a blunder, “YOU GAVE UP ON YOURSELF”. You are crying for that fake spotlight people designed for “one” who is known to all, loved by some and numerously hated by many. For me, you are leading an Ideal life but being alone is surely a pain in the ass. Get some really close friends. Those who understand you and love you for what you are. Share everything with them, explain your thoughts, never lie and this bond between you people will be a rugged friendship which will last forever. This way, do you now realize what you’ve done? Maybe you don’t, so I’ll tell you what happened. You’ve created your own Spotlight between them.
